Class Log4jConfigurer

  extended by org.springframework.util.Log4jConfigurer

public abstract class Log4jConfigurer
extends Object

Convenience class that features simple methods for custom Log4J configuration.

Only needed for non-default Log4J initialization, for example with a custom config location or a refresh interval. By default, Log4J will simply read its configuration from a "" file in the root of the class path.

For web environments, the analogous Log4jWebConfigurer class can be found in the web package, reading in its configuration from context-params in web.xml. In a J2EE web application, Log4J is usually set up via Log4jConfigListener or Log4jConfigServlet, delegating to Log4jWebConfigurer underneath.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
Log4jWebConfigurer, Log4jConfigListener, Log4jConfigServlet

Field Summary
          Pseudo URL prefix for loading from the class path: "classpath:"
          Extension that indicates a Log4J XML config file: ".xml"
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void initLogging(String location)
          Initialize Log4J from the given file location, with no config file refreshing.
static void initLogging(String location, long refreshInterval)
          Initialize Log4J from the given location, with the given refresh interval for the config file.
static void setWorkingDirSystemProperty(String key)
          Set the specified system property to the current working directory.
static void shutdownLogging()
          Shut down Log4J, properly releasing all file locks.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX
Pseudo URL prefix for loading from the class path: "classpath:"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XML_FILE_EXTENSION
Extension that indicates a Log4J XML config file: ".xml"

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Log4jConfigurer()
Method Detail


public static void initLogging(String location)
                        throws FileNotFoundException
Initialize Log4J from the given file location, with no config file refreshing. Assumes an XML file in case of a ".xml" file extension, and a properties file else.

location - the location of the config file: either a "classpath:" location (e.g. ""), an absolute file URL (e.g. "file:C:/, or a plain absolute path in the file system (e.g. "C:/")
FileNotFoundException - if the location specifies an invalid file path


public static void initLogging(String location,
                               long refreshInterval)
                        throws FileNotFoundException
Initialize Log4J from the given location, with the given refresh interval for the config file. Assumes an XML file in case of a ".xml" file extension, and a properties file else.

Log4J's watchdog thread will asynchronously check whether the timestamp of the config file has changed, using the given interval between checks. A refresh interval of 1000 milliseconds (one second), which allows to do on-demand log level changes with immediate effect, is not unfeasible.

WARNING: Log4J's watchdog thread does not terminate until VM shutdown; in particular, it does not terminate on LogManager shutdown. Therefore, it is recommended to not use config file refreshing in a production J2EE environment; the watchdog thread would not stop on application shutdown there.

location - the location of the config file: either a "classpath:" location (e.g. ""), an absolute file URL (e.g. "file:C:/, or a plain absolute path in the file system (e.g. "C:/")
refreshInterval - interval between config file refresh checks, in milliseconds
FileNotFoundException - if the location specifies an invalid file path


public static void shutdownLogging()
Shut down Log4J, properly releasing all file locks.

This isn't strictly necessary, but recommended for shutting down Log4J in a scenario where the host VM stays alive (for example, when shutting down an application in a J2EE environment).


public static void setWorkingDirSystemProperty(String key)
Set the specified system property to the current working directory.

This can be used e.g. for test environments, for applications that leverage Log4jWebConfigurer's "webAppRootKey" support in a web environment.

key - system property key to use, as expected in Log4j configuration (for example: "demo.root", used as "${demo.root}/WEB-INF/demo.log")
See Also:

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