Uses of Class

Packages that use DefaultResourceLoader Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation. Generic abstraction for (file-based) resources, used throughout the framework. Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations, and a utility class for retrieval of the root application context etc. 

Uses of DefaultResourceLoader in

Subclasses of DefaultResourceLoader in
 class AbstractApplicationContext
          Abstract implementation of the ApplicationContext interface.
 class AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext
          Base class for ApplicationContext implementations that are supposed to support multiple refreshs, creating a new internal bean factory instance every time.
 class AbstractXmlApplicationContext
          Convenient abstract superclass for ApplicationContext implementations, drawing configuration from XML documents containing bean definitions understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
 class ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
          Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path.
 class FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
          Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs.
 class GenericApplicationContext
          Generic ApplicationContext implementation that holds a single internal DefaultListableBeanFactory instance and does not assume a specific bean definition format.
 class StaticApplicationContext
          ApplicationContext that allows concrete registration of beans and messages in code, rather than from external configuration sources.

Uses of DefaultResourceLoader in

Subclasses of DefaultResourceLoader in
 class FileSystemResourceLoader
          ResourceLoader implementation that resolves paths as file system resources rather than as class path resources (DefaultResourceLoader's strategy).

Uses of DefaultResourceLoader in

Subclasses of DefaultResourceLoader in
 class AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext
          AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass that implements the ConfigurableWebApplicationContext interface for web environments.
 class GenericWebApplicationContext
          Subclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for web environments.
 class ServletContextResourceLoader
          ResourceLoader implementation that resolves paths as ServletContext resources, for use outside a WebApplicationContext (for example, in a HttpServletBean or GenericFilterBean subclass).
 class StaticWebApplicationContext
          Static WebApplicationContext implementation for testing.
 class XmlWebApplicationContext
          WebApplicationContext implementation that takes configuration from an XML document, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.

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