Uses of Class

Packages that use RepeatTemplate
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. Infrastructure implementations of repeat support concerns. 

Uses of RepeatTemplate in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item that return RepeatTemplate
protected  RepeatTemplate SimpleStepFactoryBean.getChunkOperations()
          Protected getter for the chunk operations to make them available in subclasses.
protected  RepeatTemplate SimpleStepFactoryBean.getStepOperations()
          Protected getter for the step operations to make them available in subclasses.

Uses of RepeatTemplate in

Subclasses of RepeatTemplate in
 class TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate
          Provides RepeatOperations support including interceptors that can be used to modify or monitor the behaviour at run time.
This implementation is sufficient to be used to configure transactional behaviour for each item by making the RepeatCallback transactional, or for the whole batch by making the execute method transactional (but only then if the task executor is synchronous).
This class is thread safe if its collaborators are thread safe (interceptors, terminationPolicy, callback).

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