Uses of Interface

Packages that use RepeatOperations
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. 
org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback Infrastructure implementations of repeat callback concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.repeat.interceptor Infrastructure implementations of repeat aop concerns. Infrastructure implementations of repeat support concerns. 

Uses of RepeatOperations in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type RepeatOperations
 void RepeatOperationsStepFactoryBean.setChunkOperations(RepeatOperations chunkOperations)
          The RepeatOperations to use for the inner loop of the batch processing.
 void ItemOrientedStep.setChunkOperations(RepeatOperations chunkOperations)
          The RepeatOperations to use for the inner loop of the batch processing.
 void RepeatOperationsStepFactoryBean.setStepOperations(RepeatOperations stepOperations)
          The RepeatOperations to use for the outer loop of the batch processing.
 void ItemOrientedStep.setStepOperations(RepeatOperations stepOperations)
          The RepeatOperations to use for the outer loop of the batch processing.

Uses of RepeatOperations in org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback with parameters of type RepeatOperations
NestedRepeatCallback(RepeatOperations template, RepeatCallback callback)
          Constructor setting mandatory fields.

Uses of RepeatOperations in org.springframework.batch.repeat.interceptor

Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.interceptor with parameters of type RepeatOperations
 void RepeatOperationsInterceptor.setRepeatOperations(RepeatOperations batchTempate)
          Setter for the RepeatOperations.

Uses of RepeatOperations in

Classes in that implement RepeatOperations
 class RepeatTemplate
          Simple implementation and base class for batch templates implementing RepeatOperations.
 class TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate
          Provides RepeatOperations support including interceptors that can be used to modify or monitor the behaviour at run time.
This implementation is sufficient to be used to configure transactional behaviour for each item by making the RepeatCallback transactional, or for the whole batch by making the execute method transactional (but only then if the task executor is synchronous).
This class is thread safe if its collaborators are thread safe (interceptors, terminationPolicy, callback).

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