Package org.springframework.batch.item

Infrastructure interfaces and primary dependencies for item concerns.


Interface Summary
ItemKeyGenerator Extension of the ItemReader interface that allows items to be identified and tagged by a unique key.
ItemReader Strategy interface for providing the data.
ItemRecoverer Strategy interface for recovery action when processing of an item fails.
ItemStream Marker interface defining a contract for periodically storing state and restoring from that state should an error occur.
ItemWriter Basic interface for generic output operations.
NewItemIdentifier Strategy interface to distinguish a new item from one that has been processed before and one that has not, e.g.

Class Summary
ExecutionContext Object representing a context for an ItemStream.
ItemStreamSupport Empty method implementation of ItemStream.

Exception Summary
ClearFailedException Unchecked exception indicating that an error has occurred while trying to call ItemWriter.clear()
FlushFailedException Unchecked exception indicating that an error has occurred while trying to call ItemWriter.flush()
ItemReaderException A base exception class that all exceptions thrown from an ItemReader extend.
ItemStreamException Exception representing any errors encountered while processing a stream.
ItemWriterException A base exception class that all exceptions thrown from an ItemWriter extend.
MarkFailedException An exception class thrown when an ItemReader fails to mark its current state for future retry.
NoWorkFoundException Exception indicating no work was found - e.g.
ParseException Exception indicating that an error has been encountered parsing io, typically from a file.
ReaderNotOpenException Exception indicating that an ItemReader needed to be opened before read.
ResetFailedException An exception class thrown when an ItemReader fails to reset its state based on the previous mark.
UnexpectedInputException Used to signal an unexpected end of an input or message stream.
WriterNotOpenException Exception indicating that an ItemWriter needed to be opened before being written to..

Package org.springframework.batch.item Description

Infrastructure interfaces and primary dependencies for item concerns.

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