Uses of Interface

Packages that use Job
org.springframework.batch.core.configuration Interfaces for registration and location of job configurations. Specific implementations of configuration concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.job Specific implementations of job concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.launch Interfaces and simple implementations of launch concerns. Support classes for use in bootstrap and launch implementations or configurations. 
org.springframework.batch.core.repository Interfaces and generic implementations of repository concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao Specific implementations of dao concerns. Specific implementations of repository concerns. 

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.core.configuration

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.configuration that return Job
 Job JobFactory.createJob()
 Job JobLocator.getJob(String name)
          Locates a Job at runtime.

Uses of Job in

Methods in that return Job
 Job ClassPathXmlApplicationContextJobFactory.createJob()
          Create a ClassPathXmlApplicationContext from the path provided and pull out a bean with the name given during initialization.
 Job ReferenceJobFactory.createJob()
          Just return the instance passed in on initialization.
 Job MapJobRegistry.getJob(String name)

Constructors in with parameters of type Job
ReferenceJobFactory(Job job)

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.core.job

Classes in org.springframework.batch.core.job that implement Job
 class AbstractJob
          Batch domain object representing a job.
 class SimpleJob
          Simple implementation of (@link Job} interface providing the ability to run a JobExecution.

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.core.launch

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.launch with parameters of type Job
 JobExecution job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Start a job execution for the given Job and JobParameters.

Uses of Job in

Methods in with parameters of type Job
 JobExecution job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Run the provided job with the given JobParameters.

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.core.repository

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.repository with parameters of type Job
 JobExecution JobRepository.createJobExecution(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Find or create a JobExecution for a given Job and JobParameters.

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao with parameters of type Job
 JobInstance JdbcJobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          In this jdbc implementation a job id is obtained by asking the jobIncrementer (which is likely a sequence) for the nextLong, and then passing the Id and parameter values into an INSERT statement.
 JobInstance MapJobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobInstance JobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Create a JobInstance with given name and parameters.
 JobInstance JdbcJobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          The job table is queried for any jobs that match the given identifier, adding them to a list via the RowMapper callback.
 JobInstance MapJobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobInstance JobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Find all job instances that match the given name and parameters.

Uses of Job in

Methods in with parameters of type Job
 JobExecution SimpleJobRepository.createJobExecution(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)
           Create a JobExecution based on the passed in Job and JobParameters.

Uses of Job in org.springframework.batch.integration.launch

Methods in org.springframework.batch.integration.launch that return Job
 Job JobLaunchRequest.getJob()

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.integration.launch with parameters of type Job
JobLaunchRequest(Job job, JobParameters jobParameters)

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