Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.provider

Provides a contribution strategy for WSDL definitions.


Interface Summary
BindingsProvider Strategy for adding Bindings to a Definition.
ImportsProvider Strategy for adding Imports to a Definition.
MessagesProvider Strategy for adding Messages to a Definition.
PortTypesProvider Strategy for adding PortTypes to a Definition.
ServicesProvider Strategy for adding Services to a Definition.
TypesProvider Strategy for adding Types to a Definition.

Class Summary
AbstractPortTypesProvider Abstract base class for PortTypesProvider implementations.
DefaultConcretePartProvider Default implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces.
DefaultMessagesProvider Default implementation of the MessagesProvider.
InliningXsdSchemaTypesProvider Implementation of TypesProvider that inlines a XsdSchema or XsdSchemaCollection into the WSDL.
Soap11Provider Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that are SOAP 1.1 specific.
Soap12Provider Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that are SOAP 1.2 specific.
SoapProvider Implementation of the BindingsProvider and ServicesProvider interfaces that supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.
SuffixBasedMessagesProvider Implementation of the MessagesProvider interface that is based on suffixes.
SuffixBasedPortTypesProvider Implementation of the PortTypesProvider interface that is based on suffixes.

Package org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.provider Description

Provides a contribution strategy for WSDL definitions.

Spring Web Services Framework

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