Class AbstractActionEndpointMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.core.Ordered, EndpointMapping, SoapEndpointMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractActionMethodEndpointMapping, SimpleActionEndpointMapping

public abstract class AbstractActionEndpointMapping extends AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
Abstract base class for WS-Addressing Action-mapped EndpointMapping implementations. Provides infrastructure for mapping endpoints to actions.

By default, this mapping creates a Action for reply messages based on the request message, plus the extra suffix, and a * By default, this mapping creates a Action for reply messages based on the request message, plus the extra suffix.

Arjen Poutsma
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ACTION_SUFFIX
      The defaults suffix to add to the request Action for reply messages.
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_FAULT_ACTION_SUFFIX
      The defaults suffix to add to response Action for reply messages.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractActionEndpointMapping

      public AbstractActionEndpointMapping()
  • Method Details

    • getOutputActionSuffix

      public String getOutputActionSuffix()
      Returns the suffix to add to request Actions for reply messages.
    • setOutputActionSuffix

      public void setOutputActionSuffix(String outputActionSuffix)
      Sets the suffix to add to request Actions for reply messages.
      See Also:
    • getFaultActionSuffix

      public String getFaultActionSuffix()
      Returns the suffix to add to request Actions for reply fault messages.
    • setFaultActionSuffix

      public void setFaultActionSuffix(String faultActionSuffix)
      Sets the suffix to add to request Actions for reply fault messages.
      See Also:
    • getEndpointInternal

      protected final Object getEndpointInternal(MessageAddressingProperties map)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      Lookup an endpoint for the given MessageAddressingProperties, returning null if no specific one is found. This template method is called by AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping.getEndpoint(MessageContext).
      Specified by:
      getEndpointInternal in class AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      map - the message addressing properties
      the endpoint, or null
    • getEndpointAddress

      protected abstract URI getEndpointAddress(Object endpoint)
      Returns the address property of the given endpoint. The value of this property should match the destination of incoming messages. May return null to ignore the destination.
      endpoint - the endpoint to return the address for
      the endpoint address; or null to ignore the destination property
    • lookupEndpoint

      protected Object lookupEndpoint(URI action)
      Looks up an endpoint instance for the given action. All keys are tried in order.
      action - the action URI
      the associated endpoint instance, or null if not found
    • registerEndpoint

      protected void registerEndpoint(URI action, Object endpoint) throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException, IllegalStateException
      Register the specified endpoint for the given action URI.
      action - the action the bean should be mapped to
      endpoint - the endpoint instance or endpoint bean name String (a bean name will automatically be resolved into the corresponding endpoint bean)
      org.springframework.beans.BeansException - if the endpoint couldn't be registered
      IllegalStateException - if there is a conflicting endpoint registered
    • getResponseAction

      protected URI getResponseAction(Object endpoint, MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.
      Specified by:
      getResponseAction in class AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      endpoint - the mapped endpoint
      requestMap - the MAP for the request
      the response Action
    • getFaultAction

      protected URI getFaultAction(Object endpoint, MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response fault messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.
      Specified by:
      getFaultAction in class AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
      endpoint - the mapped endpoint
      requestMap - the MAP for the request
      the response Action